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            <p>UX Lon­don is spe­cial to me because the pro­gramme that the team puts togeth­er always tells a great sto­ry, and I learn so much when I come here.</p>

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                <cite class="Quote__author">Josh Seiden</cite>
                <cite class="Quote__company">Seiden Consulting</cite>
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            <p>Clearleft are one of only a few agencies in the world who consistently and predictably deliver successful projects. This shouldn’t be a rare skill amongst agencies, but in my experience it is.”</p>

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                <cite class="Quote__author">Josh Seiden</cite>
                <cite class="Quote__company">Former VP of products at Adobe</cite>
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                    <div class="Text-input flow--2xs Footer__form-input">
                        <label class="Text-input__title small vh" for="tle-email">
                            Email address
                        <input placeholder="Email address" class="Input " type="email" id="tle-email" name="MERGE0" value="" />

                    <button class="Button focus Button--outline-light" type="submit"><span>Sign up</span><svg role="img" aria-hidden="true" focusable="false" class="Icon Icon--arrow-right  Icon--s">
                            <use xlink:href="/v6-assets/img/icons/sprite.svg?cachebust=2#arrow-right"></use>
                <p class="body small">
                    Every two weeks we send out a newsletter. It's a round-up of latest
                    news and handpicked hyperlinks covering design, technology, and culture.
<section class="Global-header">
  {% include '@header' with header %}
  {% include '@hero' with hero %}

{% include '@springboard' with springboard %}
{% include '@community' with community %}
{% include '@splash-promo' with splash %}
{% include '@testimonials' with quotes %}
{% include '@geometric-image' with geo %}
{% include '@hero-case-study' with heroCaseStudy %}
{% include '@contact-footer' with contact %}
{% include '@footer' %}
  "header": {
    "match": "",
    "links": [
        "url": "#",
        "title": "Services"
        "url": "#",
        "title": "Work"
        "url": "#",
        "title": "Thinking"
        "url": "#",
        "title": "About"
        "url": "#",
        "title": "Contact"
  "hero": {
    "title": {
      "lines": [
    "subtitle": "Close the gap between strategy and delivery",
    "lede": "We believe the best digital products and services combine the imagination to think big with the ability to act on those thoughts. Let us help you turn ideas into reality.",
    "img1": "/v6-assets/img/hero1.jpg",
    "img2": "/v6-assets/img/hero2.jpg",
    "img3": "/v6-assets/img/hero3.jpg",
    "img4": "/v6-assets/img/hero4.jpg"
  "springboard": {
    "eyebrow": "we can help you",
    "subtitle": "Close the gap between strategy and delivery",
    "blocks": [
        "title": "Explore the future",
        "link": "/explore",
        "shape": "triangle"
        "title": "Create world-class digital products",
        "link": "/create",
        "shape": "square"
        "title": "Grow your digital capabilities",
        "link": "/grow",
        "shape": "circle"
  "community": {
    "eyebrow": "Join the community",
    "title": "Connect with the very best industry thinking",
    "description": "<p>Through inspiring community events, training and consultancy we connect digital leaders and their teams with globally-renowned speakers and fellow practitioners.</p>",
    "links": [
        "title": "Leading Design",
        "link": "#",
        "image": "/v6-assets/img/leading-design.svg"
        "title": "UX London",
        "link": "#",
        "image": "/v6-assets/img/ux-london.svg"
        "title": "Content by Design",
        "link": "www.google.com",
        "image": "/v6-assets/img/content-by-design.svg"
  "splash": {
    "title": "Leading Design Festival",
    "eyebrow": "Upcoming event",
    "date": {
      "dates": [
      "description": "March 2021"
    "description": "<p>A month of amazing design leadership activities including a three day conference, weekly talks, masterclasses, mentoring sessions and a host of other events.</p>",
    "link": "#",
    "linkLabel": "Tickets now on sale",
    "imageList": [
        "src": "/v6-assets/img/splash300w.jpg",
        "size": "300w"
        "src": "/v6-assets/img/splash600w.jpg",
        "size": "600w"
        "src": "/v6-assets/img/splash1000w.jpg",
        "size": "1000w"
        "src": "/v6-assets/img/splash2000w.jpg",
        "size": "2000w"
  "quotes": [
      "quote": "<p>UX Lon­don is spe­cial to me because the pro­gramme that the team puts togeth­er always tells a great sto­ry, and I learn so much when I come here.</p>",
      "citation": "Josh Seiden",
      "qualifier": "Seiden Consulting",
      "image": "https://www.fillmurray.com/400/400"
      "quote": "<p>Clearleft are one of only a few agencies in the world who consistently and predictably deliver successful projects. This shouldn’t be a rare skill amongst agencies, but in my experience it is.”</p>",
      "citation": "Josh Seiden",
      "qualifier": "Former VP of products at Adobe",
      "image": "https://www.fillmurray.com/400/400"
  "geo": {
    "title": "Working with us",
    "description": "<p>We approach all our engagements with a bold curiosity and enthusiasm to tackle even the thorniest of problems.</p><p>We’ll be your committed allies working alongside you and your teams to break down barriers, adapt to change and go that one step beyond.</p>",
    "image": "/v6-assets/img/hero1.jpg",
    "linkLabel": "Who we are",
    "link": ""
  "heroCaseStudy": {
    "eyebrow": "case studies",
    "title": "We’ve recently helped",
    "caseStudy": {
      "title": "Build the culture and the capabilities for design to flourish",
      "description": "<p>How do you help a small team in a large multinational company use design to achieve an impact at scale?</p>",
      "logo": "/v6-assets/img/3m.png",
      "link": "",
      "imageList": [
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          "size": "300w"
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          "size": "600w"
          "src": "/v6-assets/img/splash1000w.jpg",
          "size": "1000w"
          "src": "/v6-assets/img/splash2000w.jpg",
          "size": "2000w"
  "logoSlat": {
    "eyebrow": "We've also helped",
    "logos": [
        "url": "https://via.placeholder.com/300x150",
        "alt": "doodah"
        "url": "https://via.placeholder.com/150x300",
        "alt": "doodah"
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        "alt": "doodah"
        "url": "https://via.placeholder.com/150x150",
        "alt": "doodah"
  "contact": {
    "title": "You're unique",
    "description": "<p>Which is why we prefer to tailor our approach specifically for you. We’d\n        be happy to discuss a collaborative partnership with your organisation\n        about how we can achieve the best outcomes together.\n      </p>",
    "linkLabel": "Lets chat",
    "links": [
        "title": "Short text",
        "link": "#",
        "eyebrow": "advice",
        "description": ""
        "title": "How to engage the right people when recruiting in house for research",
        "link": "#",
        "eyebrow": "advice",
        "description": ""
        "title": "Design Effectiveness Report 2019",
        "link": "#",
        "eyebrow": "advice",
        "description": ""
        "title": "Short text",
        "link": "#",
        "eyebrow": "advice",
        "description": ""
        "title": "How to engage the right people when recruiting in house for research",
        "link": "#",
        "eyebrow": "advice",
        "description": ""
        "title": "Design Effectiveness Report 2019",
        "link": "#",
        "eyebrow": "advice",
        "description": ""
    "form": {
      "name": "Let’s chat about your project",
      "description": "We would love to hear from you",
      "submittedSuccessfully": false,
      "testTags": true,
      "fields": [
          "handle": "help",
          "label": "Let us know what you would like help with?",
          "required": true
          "handle": "budget",
          "label": "Budget",
          "required": true
          "handle": "deadline",
          "label": "Milestone/deadline",
          "required": true
          "handle": "email",
          "label": "Email",
          "required": true
          "handle": "message",
          "label": "Message"

No notes defined.