
300 × 150
<figure class="Quote">
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        <p>Clearleft are one of only a few agencies in the world who consistently and predictably deliver successful projects. This shouldn’t be a rare skill amongst agencies, but in my experience it is.”</p>

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            <cite class="Quote__author">Josh Seiden</cite>
            <cite class="Quote__company">seiden consulting</cite>
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  "quote": "<p>Clearleft are one of only a few agencies in the world who consistently and predictably deliver successful projects. This shouldn’t be a rare skill amongst agencies, but in my experience it is.”</p>",
  "citation": "Josh Seiden",
  "qualifier": "seiden consulting",
  "image": {
    "alt": "Josh Seiden",
    "src": "https://www.fillmurray.com/400/400"
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