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<div class="Featured-post__content flow--xs">
<ul class="Tags">
<h2 class="h h-3">
When the going gets tough, the tough get training
<div class="body text-grey flow--xs">
<p>Just because your training budget has stopped doesn’t mean your training should. Instead of making cuts to staff training, I want to suggest some alternative and cost-effective ways to achieve similar results.</p>
<div class="Post-author Post-author--l">
<img src="/v6-assets/img/author-image.png" alt="Alt" />
<div class="flow--3xs text-grey">
<h3>Jeremy Keith</h3>
<h3>17 August 2020</h3>
<article class="Featured-post">
<a class="Featured-post__link" href="{{ url }}" class="focus">
<div class="Featured-post__content flow--xs">
{% if tags is defined and (tags|length) %}
{% include '@tags' with {
tags: tags
} only %}
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<h2 class="h h-3">
{{ title }}
<div class="body text-grey flow--xs">
{{ excerpt|raw }}
{% if author is defined and author is not empty %}
{% include '@post-author' with author only %}
{% endif %}
"tags": [
"title": "When the going gets tough, the tough get training",
"excerpt": "<p>Just because your training budget has stopped doesn’t mean your training should. Instead of making cuts to staff training, I want to suggest some alternative and cost-effective ways to achieve similar results.</p>",
"url": "#",
"date": "17 August 2020",
"author": {
"size": "l",
"title": "Jeremy Keith",
"role": "17 August 2020",
"image": {
"src": "/v6-assets/img/author-image.png",
"alt": "Alt"
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No notes defined.