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            [object Object]

            <button class="Button focus" type="submit"><span>Send</span></button>

<div class="Contact-modal" id="modal_form-footer" data-modal="true" data-modal-close="Close" data-modal-close-class="Contact-modal__close">
  <div data-modal-document="true" class="Contact-modal__modal constrain pad-after-m">
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      <a href="/" class="Contact-modal__logo focus">
        {% include '@logo' with {
          mask : 'contactMask'
        } %}

    <div class="Contact-modal__inner pad-before-m">
      <div class="Contact-modal__intro flow">
        <h2 class="h h-3">{{ form.name }}</h2>
        <div class="body flow">
          <p>{{ form.description }}</p>
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      {% set testTags = form.testTags is defined and form.testTags %}
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        <form class="Contact-modal__form flow">
      {% else %}
        {{ form.openTag({
          attributes: {
            class: 'Contact-modal__form flow',
            novalidate: true
        }) }}
      {% endif %}

        {% if form.submittedSuccessfully %}
        {% else %}
          {% for field in form.fields %}
            {% if field.handle == 'help' %}
              {% include '@checkboxes' with {
                title: field.label,
                name: field.handle ~ '[]',
                required: field.required,
                checkboxes: [
                    label: 'User research and human insight',
                    id: 'user-research-and-human-insight',
                    label: 'Internal service design',
                    id: 'internal-service-design',
                    label: 'Product design and design systems',
                    id: 'product-design-and-design-systems',
              } %}
            {% elseif field.handle == 'budget' %}
              {% include '@radio-buttons' with {
                title: field.label,
                name: field.handle,
                required: field.required,
                buttons: [
                    label: 'N/A',
                    id: 'na',
                    checked: true,
                    label: 'up to £50k',
                    id: '50k'
                    label: '£50 - £100k',
                    id: '100k'
                    label: '£100 - £250k',
                    id: '250k'
                    label: '£250k+',
                    id: 'plus'
              } %}
          {% elseif field.handle == 'message' %}
            {% include '@textarea' with {
              id : field.handle,
              name: field.handle,
              label: field.label,
              required: field.required,
              errors: field.errors,
              value: field.value
            } %}
          {% elseif field.handle == 'email' %}
            {% include '@text-input' with {
                label: field.label,
                name: field.handle,
                id: field.handle,
                required: field.required,
                errors: field.errors,
                type: 'email',
                value: field.value
              } %}
          {% else %}
            {% include '@text-input' with {
                label: field.label,
                name: field.handle,
                id: field.handle,
                required: field.required,
                errors: field.errors,
                type: 'text',
                value: field.value
              } %}
          {% endif %}
        {% endfor %}

        {% include "@button" with {
          text: "Send",
          attributes: {
            type: "submit",
        } %}
      {% endif %}

      {% if testTags %}
      {% else %}
        {{ form.closeTag() }}
      {% endif %}
/* No context defined. */
  • Content:
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  • Filesystem Path: src/templates/components/_deprecated/contact-modal/contact-modal.css
  • Size: 3.9 KB

No notes defined.